Happy 2010. It ‘s Going to be a Rock and Roller Derby Year!
I’m excited for this New Year. Not that 2009 was bad…sure, it had its normal ups and downs, like any other year, I guess. Some years are just better than others.
I ended 2009 on a high rock and roll note. As you may or may not know, I’m a big fan of the band Cracker. Lucky for me, my super awesome hubby gave me a “get out of town” free pass, and I got to go on a Rock N Roll adventure for a couple of days. As usual Cracker was awesome and I got to hang out with my best friends as we danced and sang our way out of 2009.
So here we are…2010. So many good things are already on the calendar. First…the long awaited and anticipated premiere CD from The Maids of Honor has been released and is available for sale! The CD release party is on January 23rd at the Blank Club in San Jose. I hope to see many of you there to celebrate with me.
Who is this band, why should you care, and what does this have to do with roller derby you may be wondering? Well I’ll tell you. The Maids of Honor will not only rock your socks off, they are huge derby fans and support us, and so we should support them.
The drummer Lex is…yes, my smoking hot husband, but also does the design and layout of SCDG’s bout posters, and was our bout announcer for the last 2 seasons. He has since retired as announcer and become my full-time number one fan (lord have mercy). The Maids’ bass player Kelly Castro is one of SCDG’s best photographers. He has taken literally thousands of pictures, many of which have been used in derby-related articles. Then there is John Barrett, guitar player and handsome hubby of SCDG’s Kiki Clash. He is also one of the cameramen that shoots our bouts. If you haven’t seen the amazing videos put out by TAM communications, check them out. And last, but not least, is Greg Camp. Not only is he a big fan, but he recorded and produced all of the Maids of Honor songs, including the SCDG anthem ‘Black & Blue’ (which features US and our black and blue stomp and cheer). ‘Black & Blue’ will be featured on the NBC show ‘Chuck’ sometime in March…just in time for our season to start!
It would be really great if you all could come out to the Maids of Honor album release show on the 23rd and let them know how much you appreciate all they’ve done for us. And if you want to stay up-to-date on what the Maids are up to(or when ‘Black & Blue’ will air on ‘Chuck’) join their facebook fan page.
January also marks the start of training for our upcoming season beginning in March. I’m trying to teach myself that sugar cookies are evil and get back on my Jamba Juice replacement meal diet. I’m not saying that it’s the best nutritional diet, but it works for me.